
Busy VS Productivity

Saw an article online regarding this.

Busy people have several missions and goals while productive people concentrates on one specific goal. Busy people eventually lose focus and can't get there in time. 

While I start to learn more about the theories and concept behind coffee making, it is very tempting to throw myself into it. After all, it is something which I wanted to do ever since I was being exposed to it in Melbourne. 

At the same time, I am waiting on the permanent part-time contract (or full-time part-time if you know what I mean :p) from 933. This is also something I thought was possible for me to give it a try. Of course there will be pros and cons in these 2 jobs and career paths. 

Well, but both are in my area of interests. My plan is to try out both sides as a part-timer for as long as I can, and decide after. Of course this means I will lose focus and might not do well in both. Also, there will be time wasted, which could have been used for productive improvements.

As much as many people are awed by the delay of contract, I'm secretly enjoying this luxury of buffer time. 

Just like how I wanna play netball with SRC and UNIFY at the same time. And also I wanna continue karate and do some yoga. Unless I work for myself or I'm semi-retired like my father, I can't do everything at the same time. 

Even playing netball after yoga (on the same day) kind of defeats the purpose of all those damn intensive stretching and strength training. I get all wobbly the following day for whatever reasons I don't even know anymore. 

As expected, Karate is gonna be something I'll be leaving it in Melbourne. Kinda sad about it, but I doubt I have the energy and concentration to multi-task so many commitments at once! 

At least it was one of my best experiences in Melbourne

But then again, that's how we cut down choices I reckon. Just like making my life so much easier after eliminating red meat out of my diet, I find it easier to decide on what to eat. Heh. 

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